Welcome to the UK Nature Gifts news blog.

Here you can read about up-coming events, as well as wildlife or flower information & tips.  

Clouds and birdsong

clouds and birdsong for blog post

Watch the clouds drift past on a warm sunny day, as you relax to the soothing sound of birdsong from my garden. Summer clouds & birdsong for meditation.

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A toad or a frog in my garden?

Toad blog post

Having seen a Common Toad moving around in the garden, shared recently on YouTube, I wanted to know more about these interesting creatures.

Read more about 'A toad or a frog in my garden?'...

Best laid plans..

Blog post best laid plans 11th July 2020

Message for customersApologies that I was unable to attend the Zoom event on 28th June; my husband was taken into hospital in the early hours of that morning.

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