Long-tailed Tit Card Protector

LT3BCH LT3BCH clasp LT3BCH end LT3BCH hinge BCH back BCH upright inside BCH open side


These little birds are a favourite of mine. We are lucky to have a group of 16 or so that fly into the garden, swamp the fat ball feeder & then are gone again. A ‘tic tic’ noise alerts us that they are in the garden. A very sociable bird, the first brood of the year remain to help the parents raise the next brood.
If a pair has failed to nest, they will help relatives rear their chicks.

2 items in stock.

Tags: Birds  Long tailed tit


These little birds are a favourite of mine. We are lucky to have a group of 16 or so that fly into the garden, swamp the fat ball feeder & then are gone again. A ‘tic tic’ noise alerts us that they are in the garden. A very sociable bird, the first brood of the year remain to help the parents raise the next brood.
If a pair has failed to nest, they will help relatives rear their chicks.

Keep your business, debit credit cards clean & safe with our stylish metal cases. Available in a variety of British Nature designs, these items come in their own box. Will take approx 30 business cards or 8 debit/credit cards.

Dimensions: 9.2x6.1x1cm. Weight when packed in own box 67g.

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