Welcome to the UK Nature Gifts news blog.

Here you can read about up-coming events, as well as wildlife or flower information & tips.  

New Year resolutions for the garden?

Hedgehog 3

If your new year resolution is to have a clear up in the garden, do remember to check your leaf piles again for snoozing hedgehogs.

Read more about 'New Year resolutions for the garden?'...

Here's to our wildlife in 2020

News new year 2020

A Happy New Year and warm thank you for your support in 2019, to all visitors, customers & supporters who’ve chatted wildlife with me.

Read more about 'Here's to our wildlife in 2020'...

New outlet coming 2nd Jan 2020: Crick Makers

Crick Makers outside

Crick Makers is a new co-operative gallery / maker’s space, opening 2nd Jan 2020.

Read more about 'New outlet coming 2nd Jan 2020: Crick Makers'...

Leominster Victorian Street Market

Leominster Victorian Fair image

Saturday 14th December is our last event for the season, the 23rd Leominster Victorian Street Market, 9am - 4pm.

Read more about 'Leominster Victorian Street Market'...

Last posting & delivery dates for 2019

last posting

Our last posting day is Wednesday 18th December. Local deliveries can be arranged until 21st - please call to arrange.

Read more about 'Last posting & delivery dates for 2019'...